How do I search for games by game number?

  1. Go to Games -> Schedules
  2. Click on Game Search
  3. In the game number box, you can enter one of several things:
    1. A specific game number
    2. A mathematical comparison, such as:
      • Greater than a specific game number (.e.g. > 73)
      • Less than a specific game number (e.g. < 1235)
      • Greater than or equal to a specific game number (e.g. >= 3774)
      • Less than or equal to a specific game number (e.g. <= 7377)
  4. Click Search

Article ID: 91
Last updated: 21 Jun, 2010
Revision: 1
User Guide -> Game/Match Functions -> Finding and viewing games/matches -> How do I search for games by game number?