Give a Payor/Team Contact Access to an entire Group of Payors/Teams at one time

To give a payor/team contact visibility to all his/her teams at one time, you’ll need to group her teams into a “League” or “District”. 


Create the District/League

  1. Go to Admin Configuration
  2. In block #5, click on Districts/Leagues
  3. Click
  4. In the window that opens, add a new District/League (your choice of what to call it)
  5. Click Update

Add teams to the District

  1. Go to Directories -> Teams
  2. Open the Team Search Form
  3. Search for the teams to group together
  4. Click Search
  5. Check the boxes for all of the relevant teams.
  6. Click
  7. In the window that opens, under “District”/"League", choose the appropriate District/League name
  8. Save
  9. Repeat 8-12 (or 12-13 if you had multiple teams selected) until you’re through all teams.

Give the Contact access to the entire District/League

  1. Go to Directories -> Payor/Location/Team Contacts
  2. Check the box for contact person
  3. Click
  4. In the window that opens, choose the “By District”/"By League" tab.
  5. Under “Role” choose a relevant role
    • More/Different roles can be created if you’d like other titles
  6. Under District/Leauge, choose the appropriate District/League
  7. Click “Save New District/League Role”.

Article ID: 309
Last updated: 28 Sep, 2023
Revision: 1
Administrator Guide -> Association Maintenance -> School/Team Contacts -> Give a Payor/Team Contact Access to an entire Group of Payors/Teams at one time