How can I, a user with extra permissions, view the site as it is seen by others?

All administrators, assignors, or anyone else with permissions that allow them access beyond that of a general account can choose to temporarily disable their access to those permissions in order to view the site as others see it.

When you disable such permission, you will view the site as someone who doesn't have such permission until you either re-enable those permissions or you log out and log in.

In order disable a set of permissions:

  1. Click on your personal account menu----the red box with your name in it at the top right
  2. Select "Advanced Options"
  3. Click, under "Your Group Membership," the name of the permissions group you want to temporary disable

To re-enable a set of permissions:

  1. Click on your personal account menu---the red box with your name in it at the top
  2. Select "Advanced Options"
  3. Click, under "Your Disabled Groups", the name of the permissions group you wish to re-enable.

Article ID: 163
Last updated: 28 Sep, 2016
Revision: 2
Administrator Guide -> Association Maintenance -> Access Permissions -> How can I, a user with extra permissions, view the site as it is seen by others?