Add officials to the database

There are two ways to add officials to your RefTown database:

  1. Direct entry on the website
  2. Import from an external source

For large numbers of officials, the import method can be the most efficient.

To add an official directly on the website, one at a time:

  1. Go to "Directories" -> "Officials"
  2. Click 
  3. A form will open for you to fill out (if it does not open, check your popup blocker)
  4. Enter the official's data
  5. Click "Update This Item" to submit/save the data
    1. Forms can also be submitted by pressing "Enter" when in simple text entry fields

To add multiple officials by importing from an .xls/.xlsx file

  1. Go to "Directories" -> "Officials"
  2. Click "Quick Links" -> "Import / Export" -> "Import Officials" (direct link: Import Officials to Roster)
  3. Follow the instructions that appear on the page

Article ID: 125
Last updated: 16 Mar, 2021
Revision: 3
Administrator Guide -> Association Maintenance -> Officials -> Add officials to the database