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How do I import games into RefTown?

Article ID: 41
Last updated: 11 May, 2021
Revision: 5
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  1. Prepare a spreadsheet (Get must be logged into get a copy of this template):
    • All columns are can delete those that are unneeded.
    • Column order is not important...the column headers define the column
  2. After entering your data, save as either an .xlsx, .xls or a .csv file
  3. Go to "Schedules" -> "Game Management." Select "Import New Games from Excel/CSV."
    • Alternately, you can import through the Games page under the Quick Links menu.
  4. Data will be validated for correct names. The entire upload will be rejected if any data is in error (non-existent school, officials, etc. or bogus date or time)
    • There are several options at your disposal to automatically add missing items to the system.
  5. Correct any error reported, save as an .xls/.csv, and re-upload the file
  6. Spelling is important. By default, the upload will be rejected if a field does not match the predefined lists for the field. There is some flexibility in not spelling out High School or Middle School (HS or MS is adequate). Punctuation is optional when you use HS or MS. In fact, if there is only one school of a given name, the match will still be successful if you can leave off the HS or MS part in either or both of the schools directory or imported data.
  7. Case (upper-case or lower-case) is not important.
  8. Fields can be left blank if not applicable or not known
  9. Officials listed, if any, will fill the crew duties in order and will be accepted in either of the following forms: John Doe or Doe, John.
  10. The times field has some flexibility. It will infer AM or PM if it is not specified in the same manner as the online game entry form. Normal daytime/evening hours are assumed. The following will all be interpreted the same: 5, 5 p.m., 5:00 PM, 500, and 1700.
  11. The import function can also be used to modify existing games. If a line in the import spreadsheet has a game number (Reftown ID), it will attempt to update a game with the matching number. If no number is specified, the line will be treated as a new game.
Also read
item How can games be added to RefTown?
item Exporting Games to Excel

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