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Preparing for and Requesting Generation of 1099s

Article ID: 253
Last updated: 20 Dec, 2023
Revision: 13
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To check your account for 1099 readiness:

  1. Go to Pay -> Officials 1099 Management
  2. Click on "Edit Configuration" (top).
    • Ensure that all "required" fields are both filled in and are correct
  3. Return to Pay -> Officials 1099 Management
  4. For the current tax year, click on "Prepare"
    1. The officials will be divided into 3 groups.
      1. Officials making over $600 but missing some required information (SSN, Address, etc).
        • These will be listed at the top.
        • For any official missing information, obtain the necessary info and add it to the system.
          • Use the email icon in the "Missing Info" area to contact those with missing items.
      2. Officials making over $600 with all necessary information
      3. Officials making less than the minimum (typically $600)
    2. This report will gather the amounts made by all officials from invoices marked as part of the current tax year regardless of whether that invoice is live or in an archive.
      • Ensure all officials income (including any officer income) is represented
        • Verify that invoice batches list the correct "Tax Year". The "Tax Year" determines what is included in the 1099s.
      • If you have batches in both an archive and the live system, the system compare thier contents to ensure they are the same.
        • If they differ, compare the batch from the archive with the batch from the live system. If the archive copy fully represents the necessary content and the live batch was incompletely cleared when creating the archive it will need to be manually deleted. Contact us for assistance if needed.
    3. This report also indicates whether an official's SSN/TIN has been verified with the IRS and, if so, if it is a match or not.
      • You can file with mismatches in this column but you need to ensure you are protected from potential IRS fines for filing with potentially incorrect information. You can do so by requesting a w9 from all officials with an indicated mismatch. Requesting and obtaining a w9 puts the greater burden for the incorrect information on the official.
      • Use the email icon in the "Incorrect Information" section to notify those officials that the system believes they have an incorrect SSN/Name.
      • SSN/TIN Status 
        • "do not match" or "never issued"
          • The name is not the one listed with the IRS for that SSN/TIN.
          • Possible reasons for failures:
            • Typo in SSN/TIN
            • Recent name changes  (marriage/divorce/etc,).
            • The use of nicknames instead of a legal name
            • The use of part of a hyphenated last name instead of the full hyphenated last name
        • "Not Yet Verified" just means the SSN/TIN was added after our last verification run.
          • This number may or may not be correct but we have not yet determined its status.
  5. When all data is complete and ready, click the button "Request Generation of 1099s".
    • We will NOT generate any 1099's prior to your requesting them since we do not know when your data is complete.
    • Your request for generation MUST be received by our deadline in order to assure completion by the IRS deadline of January 31st.
      • Our deadline is typically around January 24th.
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